Collaborative Filetering for Christmas Toy Selection. The following table shows the ratings on three toys (T1, T2 and T3)--on a scale of 1 to 3, 3 being the best-- posted by my kid (Soumya) and four of his friends. For example, Nattie's score on Toy1 is 2 and Chance has not rated Toy 3. T1 T2 T3 Natalie 2 3 1 Chance 3 1 - Sruthi - 3 3 Abhishek 2 1 2 Soumya 1 3 - I.a There is a good sale on Toy 3 over at ToysRThem and I want to see if I can be cheap as well as a good father. Find Soumya's predicted score on Toy 3 using the collaborative filtering method explained in class (In computing the **significance** weight, assume that the weight is min(1, #items-co-ranked/2).) Suppose I have done some research and decided that the relevant features for the toys are: Size and Sound. Size can be "S(mall)" or "L(arge)". Sound can be "V(ery Noisy)" and "E(xtremely Noisy)". I went ahead and classified the three toys Size Sound Toy1 Small Very noisy Toy2 Large Extremely noisy Toy3 Small Extremely noisy I.b. Develop a Naive-bayes classifier to do content based prediction for my son (Soumya). Use it to predict his rating for Toy 3. (In doing this: 1. assume that any <2 is "Don't Like" and any rating ">= 2" is "Like" 2. do M-estimate correction for the probability--assume that all values for attributes are equally likely, and that m is 10. I.c. Instead of doing straight content-based prediction, do hybrid content-based collaborative prediction. Specifically (a) use content based prediction to fill in Chance and Sruthi's ratings for Toys 3 and 1 (convert "likes" to 2.5 and "don't like" to 1.5)--once again use M-estimates correction as above. Then use this "filled up" rating table to predict Soumya's rating for Toy 3. Calulators etc allowed, as long as you show your steps. -----------