Homework Assignments
1. [Due: 2nd Feb; Beginning of the class; in hard copy]
- Homework 2 [Socket open 2/25][Due 3/29]
- Do parts e, f, g and h from the planning
- Consider the following inference rule: if we know A V B; and we
know ~A, we can derive B. Show that this inference is
sound using truth-table method. Is this inference
complete? Can you show that this is a special case of
- (Problem 7.9 from the text book) Given the following, can you
prove that the unicorn is mythical? How about magical?
"If the unicorn is mythical, then it is immortal, but if it is not
mythical, then it is a mortal mammal. If the unicorn
is either immortal or a mammal, then it is horned. The
unicorn is magical if it is horned." [This involves
writing propositional theories, converting them into
clausal form and doing resolution refutation.]
- A problem
on Uncertainty and BayesNetworks.
- Prove the conditional independence assertions for causal and
common-cause paths. Specifically do the following two
- You have a network A-->B-->C (where A,B and C are boolean
variables). Show (a) that A is NOT independent of C
given no evidence and (b) that A IS independent of C
given B as evidence.
- You have a network A<--B-->C (where A,B and C are boolean
variables). Show (a) that A is NOT independent of C
given no evidence and (b) that A IS independent of C
given B as evidence.
- Solutions
- Homework 3 [Due 4/24]
Subbarao Kambhampati
Last modified: Fri Apr 27 09:46:56 MST 2012