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Re: cse471 hm#2 and project1 questions

Sorry, I didn't see this part earlier.

The b+1/b-1 ratio is the "asymptotic" ratio i.e., if you take 

A ==  # nodes expanded by IDDFS

B ==  # nodes expanded by dfs

take  A/B  and consider its value as Limit d==>infinity, then you get

In otherwords, this ratio is not going to be exact for small values of 
d, although it is very close. 

The whole thing falls apart when b=1 anyways, and finding out what the 
true ratio will be for the special case of b=1 is what the homework
asks you to do. 


tzimmer> M> 
tzimmer> M> 3. In homework#2, in part C, in question 1, there is a ration of (b+1)/(b-1)
tzimmer> M> Is this ration correct? I still can't see it.
tzimmer> M> 
tzimmer> This is still a bit of a mystery to me (but can't say that I've had time
tzimmer> to give it much thot..) Probably best answered at this point by the
tzimmer> professor...
tzimmer> 						-terry