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Bcc: Re: CSE471 HW1

If anyone feels they need an extension because of the distractions/tr
caused by the recent events, just submit the homework late (say by
thursday) and make a note that you needed the extension.

i myself am going to try coming back tomorrow ... as to whether i will 
actually reach phx on sunday night as i expected or be stuck in
amstyerdam is anyone´s guess.

i will let you know if i do get stuck and will miss tuesday´s
class. if you don´t hear from e asssume that the class will be on


From: Brad <bjb@asu.edu>
Subject: CSE471 HW1
Date: Fri, 14 Sep 2001 14:16:05 -0700 (MST)
Message-ID: <Pine.GSO.4.21.0109141405450.1764-100000@email2.asu.edu>

bjb> Hello Rao,
bjb>   Are you going to make it back for class on Tuesday?  I writing to ask for a
bjb> extenstion on HW1 because this weekend will not be the best for working
bjb> hard.  Can there be an extension for HW1 so it will be due Thursday instead of
bjb> Tuesday?  There doesn't seem to be much to HW1, but it would help, at least in
bjb> my case.
bjb> Bradford J. Bensen
bjb> Computer Science - Undergraduate
bjb> ASU - Engineering & Applied Sciences
bjb> bjb@asu.edu