Challenges in bridging plan synthesis paradigms

Challenges in bridging plan synthesis paradigms

Homepage for the IJCAI-97 challenge paper on plan synthesis (Challenge 7)

The purpose of this homepage is to support research into a set of problems proposed in Kambhampati's IJCAI-97 challenge paper. This page is expected to act as a clearing house for information on our evolving understanding of the challenges. In the near future, this page will contain references to other relevant literature, pointers to benchmark problems and test-domains, as well as more fleshed out versions of the challenges and their up-to-date status.

Abstract of the Challenge paper

In the last three years, several ``radically new'' and promising approaches have been developed for tackling the plan synthesis problem. Currently, these approaches exist in isolation as there is no coherent explanation of their sources of strength vis a vis the traditional refinement planners. In this paper, I provide a generalized view of refinement planning, that subsumes both traditional and newer approaches to plan synthesis. I will interpret the contributions of the new approaches in terms of a new subclass of refinement planners called disjunctive planners. This unifying view raises several intriguing possibilities for complementing the strengths of the various approaches. I will identify and pose these as challenges to the planning community.

An html version of the paper.

Here is the link to the postscript version of the full paper (it is now portable)

Request for comments and participation

Page accessed times
Subbarao Kambhampati
Last modified: Sat Nov 20 09:36:11 MST 2004