Information Integration on the Web
The explosive growth of the web resulted in thousands of structured
queryable information sources on the Internet, and the promise of
unprecedented information-gathering capabilities to lay
users. Unfortunately, the promise has not yet been transformed
into reality. While there are sources relevant to virtually any
user queries, the morass of sources presents a formidable hurdle
to effectively accessing the information. One way of alleviating
this problem is to develop web-based information integration
agents, which take the user’s query, and access the relevant
sources to answer the user’s query efficiently.
This tutorial will survey the research and systems for web-based
information integration. There is a wide range of technical
problems that must be addressed to integrate the diverse
sources. We will describe approaches from both the Database and
Artificial Intelligence communities that address these various
issues. These topics include the relationship to database
integration and information retrieval, languages for mediation and
exchange, machine learning techniques for generating wrappers,
terminology alignment for combining data across sources, query
optimization, and query execution. We will also describe the
various integration systems and where they fit in within the space
of technical approaches. Finally, we will discuss important
application areas — such as bioinformatics and geospatial data
Schedule (Tentative)
- Motivation & Models for Information Integration (30m)
- Getting the data into Structured format (30m)
- Getting sources into alignment (30m)
- Getting data into alignment (30m)
- Processing queries (45m)
- Applications and Wrapup (15m)
- Slides for all parts are
- Audio of the tutorial presented at AAAI
Subbarao Kambhampati
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Last modified: Sat Jul 28 08:33:50 MST 2007