-- Classical Planning -- Planning Graph vs. Progression Search Tree -- Mutex computation -- Binary Mutexes -- Higher-Order Mutexes -- Heuristics for: -- Progression search -- Level-based Heuristics -- Relaxed Plans -- Regression search -- Plan Space search -- Exploiting Heuristics -- RIFO -- Helpful Actions -- Executing Relaxed Plans -- Cost-based Planning -- Cost Function Propagation -- Cost-based level heuristics -- Biasing relaxed plans with cost functions -- Partial Satisfaction Planning -- Selecting goal subsets -- Estimating net benfit of goals -- Negative interactions between goals -- Positive interactions between goals -- Anytime goal set selection -- Planning with Resources -- Propagating resource intervals -- Extracting relaxed plans to support resource subgoals -- Temporal Planning -- The temporal planning graph -- Levels becoming time points -- Incorporating delayed effects -- Makespan estimates -- Relaxed plan extraction -- Non-deterministic/Probabilistic Planning -- Belief state distance measures -- Positive Interaction -- Independence -- Overlap -- Negative Interaction -- Single Planning Graphs -- Multiple Planning Graphs -- Labelled Planning Graphs -- Monte Carlo Planning Graphs -- Implicit belief states and the CFF heuristic -- Hybrid models -- Metric-Temporal w/ Resources -- The SAPA multi-objective action cost and makespan heuristic -- Temporal planning with Uncertainty -- The Prottle Planning Graph -- Partial Satisfaction with Resource goals -- Estimating net benefit of degree of satisfaction -- Cost-based Conditional Planning -- Cost propagation on the Labelled Planning graph -- Open Problems -- Complex Goals -- LTL -- Knowledge goals -- Lifted Planning -- Multi-agent Planning -- Cooperative -- Adversarial