Planning Methods In Artificial Intelligence
(Notes from the ASU Planning Seminar; Spring 2000. Notes that have been revised by Rao have a statement to that effect at the top. Without it, Rao can't be held responsible for errors. )

The note-taker Schedule


  1. Start of Smith's paper on bridging planning and Scheduling. Diversion into refinement planning framework. Proof strategies. Binhminh (Long).

  2. Candidate set semantics. Refinement strategies (general properties). Long (Binhminh)

  3. Jan 31st. Notes by Eric (Specific Refinement Strategies--details)

  4. Feb 2nd. Notes by Tuan (Deriving UCPOP from the refinement planning template)

  5. Feb 7th. Notes by Terry (Refining disjunctive plans: the issues. Talk of connections to consistency enforcement).

  6. Feb 9th. Notes by Terry (Graphplan planning graph--solution extraction--compilation methods)

  7. Feb 14th. Notes by Son (reviewed and revised by Binhminh) (More on compilation methods, with focus on ILP compilation).

  8. Feb 16th. Notes by BinhMinh (Revised by Rao) [Scheduling begin. Jobshop scheduling--the different encodings]

  9. Feb 21st notes by Tuan (Scheduling--PCSP) [[Variable and value ordering techniques for JSS scheduling. Also comparing the CSOP and PCSP methods for optimization]]

  10. Feb 23rd notes by Binhminh (Scheduling--discussion of Chien/Smith tutorial) [[More variable/value ordering techniques for scheduling--the slack-based ones.]]

  11. Feb 28th Notes by Romeo. More on PCP scheduling. Comparing ORR-FSS and PCP. State-of the art in evaluating schedulers. Discussion on iterative search approaches for scheduling. Discussion of random-restart searches, Limited discrepancy search. [[More variable/value ordering techniques for scheduling--the slack-based ones.]]

  12. March 1st notes (collaborative effort between Son Cao Tran, Romeo and Binhminh) [[Marathon discussion on DDB/EBL--all types of DDB/EBL, different types of learning etc.]]

  13. March 6th notes by Eric --revised by Megan (Handling resources--from Smith paper)

  14. March 8th notes by Megan --revised by Eric (IxTET vs. HSTS from Smith paper).

  15. March 20th notes by Nie (revised by Ullas) (Brief digression into HTN planning; control strategies in IXTET; Action representation in IXTET)

  16. March 22nd notes by Ullas (revised by Nie) (IXTET (PIGS etc) + RAX)

  17. March 27th notes by Nie. Start of Temporal Constraints. A lot of discussion on path consistency and explicit constraint representation.

  18. March 29th notes by Ullas (revised by Nie) (TCSP continued. Simple Temporal Problems. Composition/Intersection. Path Consistency etc.)

  19. April 3rd notes by Romeo. Discussion on Loose Path consistency/Loose Intersection etc.

  20. April 5th notes by Terry. Beginning of Planning with Sensing

  21. April 6th notes by Xuan Long. Conditional Planning and Exeucution issues.

  22. April 10th Notes by Megan Conway. Discussion of Golden/Weld/Etzioni LCW paper.

  23. April 12th Notes by XuanLong Nguyen (Start of the discussion on MDP/POMDP).
  24. April 19th Notes by Terry Zimmerman (with Binhminh). Mostly review of midterm. A bit on statonarity in MDPs vs. their policies.
  25. April 26th Notes by Ullas Nambiar (MDP policy/value iteration. connection between value relaxation and consistency enforcement. connections with classical planning (i.e., what to do if we have a known init state). Expectimax etc.
  26. April 28th Reinforcement LEarning (optional class). Used the 1997 AAAI tutorial by Sutton and Kaelbling.

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If you are looking for the notes from Spring, 1999 ASU seminar, follow this link

Subbarao Kambhampati
Assistant Professor